
Sunday, March 17, 2024

Initial Impressions 2.0 #7: Parking Spots, Unknown Texters, St. Patrick's Day, etc

#7: Parking Spots

1. At most beaches there are parking spots for regular vehicles and then a few much longer spots meant for boat trailers. There is one beach on Cape Cod I go to where cars park in the boat trailer spots. Rather than park at the rear of the spot near the railing, I have seen many cars park near the front end of the spots. This leaves a good 10-15 feet of room behind the car. I have no clue why so many vehicles do this. It looks ridiculous, I am almost tempted to go park in the spot behind them as there is more than enough room for my car as well.

2. Got a random text from an unknown number saying they hadn’t heard from me for a while and were wondering how I was doing. Okay, for a split second, I thought maybe a friend had changed their number. When I asked who they were they responded that we had met at a party in Marlborough and that I had remarked on how pretty she looked in her red dress. Ha! Jokes on them I’m old and don’t go out partying anymore especially not over an hour from home. Buh bye, blocked.

3. My 91-year-old client, the oldest person I have ever trained, came in for our session without her cane for the first time. I was like a proud parent. She came to me because a physical therapist basically told her she was too old to better herself physically. A terrible way to treat someone and this client’s success will prove that therapist wrong.

4. Welcome to Cape Cod in the spring. Today’s weather? Temperatures anywhere from the 20s-60s, likely cloudy, foggy, drizzly, or maybe some peaks of sun, or maybe a freak snowstorm. Or maybe all of the above on the same day.

Clouds, sun, 40s, maybe rain, just spring on Cape Cod.

5. If you post something on social media and can’t distinguish between ‘to’ and ‘too’ or ‘there’ ‘their’ and ‘they’re’ anything else you have to say is white noise to me.

6. My return to Walmart yielded much better results. A woman asked an employee where the braces were. The employee said they were all in the next aisle over halfway down, on the left. Pretty straightforward. I was in that aisle actually looking at those braces thinking of getting one for my ankle for running. Anyway, the woman comes down the aisle, walks the whole way staring at the right side, never turns to the left, and walks away shaking her head.

7. My goal eventually is to turn these blogs into a sort of weekly video podcast. The thought was to use my DSLR camera to film and my podcast microphone. However, I can’t hook the mic into the camera so I need to now purchase an affordable camera to record, or just yell really loud throughout the podcast. We’ll see which makes more sense financially.

8. I have been single for several years and choose to stay that way. The main reason why is that I don’t want to be in a relationship just to be in one. Finding someone who is ‘better than nothing’ is an insult not only to me but to the person chosen. I’d rather be single than pick a body at random to fill a spot in my life.

9. At a beach in Wellfleet I saw a car with New York plates parked basically blocking the entrance to the sand in between 2 big No Parking signs. I asked if he saw them. He waited until I was back at my car to step out and say something. I calmly said, “The signs say No Parking, hold on let me get a photo of your car parked there with its license plate to share.” He left pretty quickly. With a hundred parking spots in the lot, the guy decided to park on the edge of the sand where erosion is a huge issue, jerk.

10. Is St. Patrick’s Day the holiday most associated with alcohol? It’s either that or Cinco de Mayo. It’s one or the other because loads of people who aren’t Irish or Mexican suddenly are all about it as a reason to get hammered and act like idiots. I think being 3 ½ years sober has me seeing those holidays in a different light and that’s coming from someone who is 28% Irish.

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