The blog of In My Footsteps Podcast host and author Christopher Setterlund. It contains a buffet of topics. The wackiness of daily life with Initial Impressions 2.0. There is a link to the weekly In My Footsteps Podcast. Poetry collections, life topics, some history, and more. There is something for everyone here much like with the podcast.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
For My Nana

cape cod,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Meet Miss Mabel on October 1st
Miss Mabel's Magical Magnolia Tree
What if the Fountain of Youth existed in your own backyard? That is the blessing and curse discovered on a warm spring afternoon by 85 year old Mabel Cottonstine. It flows beneath her majestic magnolia tree, filling the tree and all of its flowers with the magic elixir of life. After making a batch of a sweet tea using the flowers, Miss Mabel turns back into a vibrant 25 year old. She shares the gift with her best friends Hazel and Gertrude and they suggest she sell the sweet tea to other old people to give them a second chance at youth. It is a huge success and Miss Mabel rakes in more money than she could have ever imagined. But, what happens when the love of the money she's making overtakes the reality that the magnolia tree only has so many flowers that can be made into the magical drink?
Hey everyone, this is my first attempt at a summary for my newest children's book Miss Mabel's Magical Magnolia Tree, due to be released October 1st. The one major hurdle I have is the cover art. I am not quite sure what type of image to use and am open to suggestions. Normally with my other books I have something in mind but I am drawing a blank here.
Also, anybody who is a parent and would like a copy of this when it is finished just let me know. Being my friends I will be happy to share my work with you as long as you spread the word about what I am doing. Thank you all as always for your support.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Own A Kindle? Check These Books Out!

Kindle owners, check out my latest book, The Quiet One, a sci-fi thriller sure to heat up the summer! You can preview it first of course. Also make sure to grab hold of my surprise hit The Cabin. All necessary links are below. Have a great summer!
-Christopher Setterlund
The Quiet One is here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002BSHFHK
The Cabin is here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001J00PL4
Also available at my personal website: http://www.ChristopherSetterlund.com
Thursday, June 25, 2009
What Michael Jackson Meant To Me
I am currently watching the news that one of the biggest icons in the history of entertainment, Michael Jackson, is dead. I wanted to reflect on what he meant to me. 'Thriller' was my childhood. That album, as I am sure it was for anybody 30 and over, was a defining moment in my life. I can remember as a 5-year-old child playing Thriller on my Fisher-Price record player. I would stick it out of the living room window so that all of us kids in the neighborhood could dance to it in the front yard. For me, Thriller and Michael Jackson were the first meaningful memories of my life.
Today Michael Jackson, and a big part of my childhood, is dead. It is a sad day for me since I can actually remember when he was the biggest star in the universe. Most people under 30 will remember him more for his odd behavior and lawsuits. Those things ended up tipping the scales and took away from the music and rightfully so. It was hard to think of Michael Jackson and not think of plastic surgery and court room settings. For all of you out there that only know him for that I ask you to give a listen to Thriller. It is more than just an album, it was a landmark event in the lives of millions.
As sad as I feel about these events part of me believes that this was the only way it could end for Michael. Much like Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson was on countless amounts of medications. Eventually those things do catch up with you. If it has not been brought up yet the comparisons between Elvis and Michael will be made. Much like Michael now, Elvis had become more known for things other than his music. For Michael it had to be this way. There was never going to be that redemption. There was not going to be farewell tours. There was not going to be the role of elder statesman of music much in the way that Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, and Bob Dylan have achieved. There was no other way for the Michael Jackson story to end but with him simply dropping dead, snap, like that.
For as much as the oddities and eccentricities will define Michael Jackson for many people in the world, I am going to choose a different route. I am going to grab my IPod in place of my Fisher-Price record player, and sit in my front yard and listen to Wanna Be Startin' Something from Thriller and I will smile as I remember the piece of my childhood that passed away today in Los Angeles. Rest in Peace Michael, I will never forget what you meant to my life.
Today Michael Jackson, and a big part of my childhood, is dead. It is a sad day for me since I can actually remember when he was the biggest star in the universe. Most people under 30 will remember him more for his odd behavior and lawsuits. Those things ended up tipping the scales and took away from the music and rightfully so. It was hard to think of Michael Jackson and not think of plastic surgery and court room settings. For all of you out there that only know him for that I ask you to give a listen to Thriller. It is more than just an album, it was a landmark event in the lives of millions.
As sad as I feel about these events part of me believes that this was the only way it could end for Michael. Much like Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson was on countless amounts of medications. Eventually those things do catch up with you. If it has not been brought up yet the comparisons between Elvis and Michael will be made. Much like Michael now, Elvis had become more known for things other than his music. For Michael it had to be this way. There was never going to be that redemption. There was not going to be farewell tours. There was not going to be the role of elder statesman of music much in the way that Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, and Bob Dylan have achieved. There was no other way for the Michael Jackson story to end but with him simply dropping dead, snap, like that.
For as much as the oddities and eccentricities will define Michael Jackson for many people in the world, I am going to choose a different route. I am going to grab my IPod in place of my Fisher-Price record player, and sit in my front yard and listen to Wanna Be Startin' Something from Thriller and I will smile as I remember the piece of my childhood that passed away today in Los Angeles. Rest in Peace Michael, I will never forget what you meant to my life.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Celebrating 1-Year of ChristopherSetterlund.com
For 1-week, to celebrate 1-year of ChristopherSetterlund.com, all of the author's books are only $1. This is a limited time special so it is a great opportunity to take your first trip into Christopher Setterlund's mind, or better yet, add to your collection. Check out the selections offered today! Make sure to spread the word of this amazing deal! Any and all questions can be directed here, or through the author's website. Thanks to everyone for making it a great first year, and here's to many more!
-Christopher Setterlund
-Christopher Setterlund
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
'Love Is Eternal' Is Now Completely Non-Profit
To all of my friends, family, and readers, I have made a small change to one of my works, but it should have a big impact. The profits of the sales of my poem, 'Love Is Eternal,' dedicated to my Aunt Christine, will now ALL be going to Dana Farber. It had been half of the profits going to help cure breast cancer, but with the way the economy is I have decided to make this a total non-profit piece of work.
To any of you who have been thinking about purchasing a copy, or were curious about it up until now, you can rest assured that each and every cent I make from it will go directly to Dana Farber. I have included links below, just to make it easier to find.
As I continue my quest to become a successful, self-sufficient author, I am hoping that this small act of selflessness and good faith will send along some good karma for me. Thank you all for your support, and as always, thanks for reading!
-Christopher Setterlund
Where To Purchase Your Copy Of 'Love Is Eternal:'
My Personal Website: http://christophersetterlund.com/LoveIsEternal.html
Lulu.com: http://www.lulu.com/content/4025869
Amazon Kindle Store: http://www.amazon.com/Love-Is-Eternal/dp/B001FSK4LG/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1235586500&sr=8-3
To any of you who have been thinking about purchasing a copy, or were curious about it up until now, you can rest assured that each and every cent I make from it will go directly to Dana Farber. I have included links below, just to make it easier to find.
As I continue my quest to become a successful, self-sufficient author, I am hoping that this small act of selflessness and good faith will send along some good karma for me. Thank you all for your support, and as always, thanks for reading!
-Christopher Setterlund
Where To Purchase Your Copy Of 'Love Is Eternal:'
My Personal Website: http://christophersetterlund.com/LoveIsEternal.html
Lulu.com: http://www.lulu.com/content/4025869
Amazon Kindle Store: http://www.amazon.com/Love-Is-Eternal/dp/B001FSK4LG/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1235586500&sr=8-3
Monday, February 9, 2009
Red Sox Fan's Opinion on A-Rod
I'll bet most people, especially Yankee fans, would expect me to gloat about how great it is that A-Rod, a prima donna in every sense of the word, has been exposed as the A-Fraud that Joe Torre's book proclaimed him. You could not be more wrong.
You see, yes I am a Red Sox fan first and foremost, but I am also a baseball fan, and I know full well just what this revelation, and the subsequent news to come mean for my favorite sport. For all of his faults, Alex Rodriguez was the guy that was going to restore order to the most sacred sports record: the all-time home run leader. A-Rod was going to be the 'clean guy' who did it the right way. Now he will be thought of as no better than Bonds, McGwire, Clemens, and Sosa. I am not shocked, but I am very saddened. Is there anybody out there who is playing the game on skill alone? Of course there are, but those people have not stepped up and spoken out about this epidemic, or at least not enough have.
For those of you who have not heard the story I will quickly sum up what has been printed as of this time. Alex Rodriguez, the heir apparent to the home run title, tested positive for two banned substances, including one anabolic steroid, in 2003. That year he won the MVP while playing on the Texas Rangers. With A-Rod now labeled a 'cheat' there are no other players who could be named that would surprise me. Unfortunately, there are another 103 players who failed that same round of testing in '03 whose names will probably be leaked very soon. If there are any Red Sox on it I would not be surprised, I expect it. In fact, I already have ideas as to who might be on that list from the Sox, but obviously I am not going to name them here.
That is why I am not gloating about the Yankees having to deal with this mess, every other team will probably be dealing with it themselves soon. This is a very sad day for baseball as the golden boy has turned out to be no better than Barry Bonds, one of the most despised people ever in sports. The only thing Alex Rodriguez can do now is admit his mistakes and apologize and hope he is forgiven. If he comes out combative and in denial he will be ostracized much in the way Clemens and McGwire have been. If he denies and then further proof of his steroid use comes out who knows if the government might come knocking at his door too? The circumstantial evidence along with the positive test are overwhelming. Look at the Texas Ranger teams he played on. If you cross check the rosters from 2001-03 with and list of steroid users you will be shocked at how many were on that team. It seems as though the Rangers were the mecca of users throughout the 90's and into the early part of this decade.
In closing, I am very sad and disappointed that the man who was supposed to wrest the home run title from the clutches of Barr-oid is no better than him. No matter what he does from this day forward A-Rod's legacy is forever tarnished. All of the numbers, his chances at the Hall of Fame, his spot in history, they have all been rendered meaningless because he was too insecure to simply play with his God given talent. I actually feel bad for him and the Yankees because this will not go away. If anything it will only get worse in the coming weeks and months. It's another black eye for baseball in a long line of black eyes.
You see, yes I am a Red Sox fan first and foremost, but I am also a baseball fan, and I know full well just what this revelation, and the subsequent news to come mean for my favorite sport. For all of his faults, Alex Rodriguez was the guy that was going to restore order to the most sacred sports record: the all-time home run leader. A-Rod was going to be the 'clean guy' who did it the right way. Now he will be thought of as no better than Bonds, McGwire, Clemens, and Sosa. I am not shocked, but I am very saddened. Is there anybody out there who is playing the game on skill alone? Of course there are, but those people have not stepped up and spoken out about this epidemic, or at least not enough have.
For those of you who have not heard the story I will quickly sum up what has been printed as of this time. Alex Rodriguez, the heir apparent to the home run title, tested positive for two banned substances, including one anabolic steroid, in 2003. That year he won the MVP while playing on the Texas Rangers. With A-Rod now labeled a 'cheat' there are no other players who could be named that would surprise me. Unfortunately, there are another 103 players who failed that same round of testing in '03 whose names will probably be leaked very soon. If there are any Red Sox on it I would not be surprised, I expect it. In fact, I already have ideas as to who might be on that list from the Sox, but obviously I am not going to name them here.
That is why I am not gloating about the Yankees having to deal with this mess, every other team will probably be dealing with it themselves soon. This is a very sad day for baseball as the golden boy has turned out to be no better than Barry Bonds, one of the most despised people ever in sports. The only thing Alex Rodriguez can do now is admit his mistakes and apologize and hope he is forgiven. If he comes out combative and in denial he will be ostracized much in the way Clemens and McGwire have been. If he denies and then further proof of his steroid use comes out who knows if the government might come knocking at his door too? The circumstantial evidence along with the positive test are overwhelming. Look at the Texas Ranger teams he played on. If you cross check the rosters from 2001-03 with and list of steroid users you will be shocked at how many were on that team. It seems as though the Rangers were the mecca of users throughout the 90's and into the early part of this decade.
In closing, I am very sad and disappointed that the man who was supposed to wrest the home run title from the clutches of Barr-oid is no better than him. No matter what he does from this day forward A-Rod's legacy is forever tarnished. All of the numbers, his chances at the Hall of Fame, his spot in history, they have all been rendered meaningless because he was too insecure to simply play with his God given talent. I actually feel bad for him and the Yankees because this will not go away. If anything it will only get worse in the coming weeks and months. It's another black eye for baseball in a long line of black eyes.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
'Love Is' Has Arrived. Get Your Copy Now!
Listen up everyone, my newest book, 'Love Is' has finally been finished and is ready to be enjoyed! This book is a poetry collection especially for Valentine's Day.
It contains some of my best love poems, chosen by a select few friends who took the time to read my poetry books and choose their favorites. So, to all of my friends reading this, send me a message with your regular email and I will send you a copy. Yes it is free, no worries!
The only catch, well it's not a major catch, is that I want everyone who gets a copy to forward it to as many of your own contacts as possible and tell them to do the same. I want to make this a 'viral book' and see how many people I can get to discover my work.
Let me know if you want a copy of this book.It's not a limited time offer or anything, this is open for as long as I am alive! Thanks for reading!
If you do not wish to email me but do want a copy of this book it is available at the following links: ChristopherSetterlund.com
Google - http://www.google.com/base/a/christophersetterlund/4226549/D15514534277026865618
Amazon Kindle - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001QOGM2Y
Lulu.com - http://www.lulu.com/content/5850270
Scribd.com - http://www.scribd.com/doc/11360761/Love-Is
-Christopher Setterlund
It contains some of my best love poems, chosen by a select few friends who took the time to read my poetry books and choose their favorites. So, to all of my friends reading this, send me a message with your regular email and I will send you a copy. Yes it is free, no worries!
The only catch, well it's not a major catch, is that I want everyone who gets a copy to forward it to as many of your own contacts as possible and tell them to do the same. I want to make this a 'viral book' and see how many people I can get to discover my work.
Let me know if you want a copy of this book.It's not a limited time offer or anything, this is open for as long as I am alive! Thanks for reading!
If you do not wish to email me but do want a copy of this book it is available at the following links: ChristopherSetterlund.com
Google - http://www.google.com/base/a/christophersetterlund/4226549/D15514534277026865618
Amazon Kindle - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001QOGM2Y
Lulu.com - http://www.lulu.com/content/5850270
Scribd.com - http://www.scribd.com/doc/11360761/Love-Is
-Christopher Setterlund
Sunday, January 4, 2009
10 Albums That Influenced Me The Most
Let me first preface this entry by saying that these albums I am listing are the ones which most influenced me personally and in my writing. I am not saying these are the 10 best of all-time, in fact there might be a few of them that you've never heard of. I will do my best to explain why these albums are listed here, and also give you a couple of tracks you should check out. Okay, without further delay:
10. Parachutes - Coldplay (2000) Much in the vein of Radiohead's The Bends, the debut album by Britain's Coldplay is a melodic and moody masterpiece. This is before the mainstream accepted them. A very simple formula, guitar, piano, drums, bass, and thoughtful lyrics. It is easy to be inspired by this album as I was.
Must Hear Tracks: Shiver, Trouble, Sparks
9. Grace - Jeff Buckley (1994) An amazing voice, that is the very first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Jeff Buckley. Probably not too well known, mostly due to his untimely death in 1997, Jeff Buckley, son of musician Tim Buckley, was blessed with a voice angel's would have envied. His melodies and lyrics will pull you into a new world as they did for me. Unfortunately for me, and many others, I did not discover this extremely talented artist until after his death.
Must Hear Tracks: Last Goodbye, Grace, Lover You Should Have Come Over
8. Use Your Illusion I & II - Guns N Roses (1991) Now I am sure that many of you will say that Appetite For Destruction was a better album, and you'd be right, but these are albums that influenced me. These two albums captured GNR at their excessive best, mixing the hardest bone crunching rock with legendary ballads. Axl Rose's voice and Slash's guitar prowess made even the weakest songs worth hearing. These guys were once the biggest band in the world, too bad that huge egos will probably stop a real reunion from ever happening.
Must Hear Tracks: November Rain, Estranged, Don't Cry, You Could Be Mine
7. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band - The Beatles (1967) Any list of influential albums and artists had better include something by The Beatles or it is incomplete. This is one of the first 'concept albums,' meaning that the entire album is one subject. The subject is a fictional band and their act. The Fab Four influenced everything that came after them. There is not much else I could say about them.
Must Hear Tracks: Sgt. Pepper/With A Little Help From My Friends, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, A Day In The Life
6. Ten - Pearl Jam (1991) From the gut busting opening track Once all the way through the long, slow fade of Release the debut album by Pearl Jam helped to define a generation and save music from glam and hair bands. The subjects touched upon by Eddie Vedder in his songs could be related to by anybody, and his sheer honesty and power in his voice could make you relate to them if you couldn't before. He made you feel it. Along with Nirvana, Pearl Jam took music in a different direction and forced the mainstream to follow it.
Must Hear Tracks: Jeremy, Black, Release, Porch
5. Coil - Toad The Wet Sprocket (1997) The last release by this alternative, folk band is the one that spoke to me the most. The music is crisp and laid back in most spots which allows the lyrics to come through and be heard. Lead singer Glen Phillips wrote in a way that I often tried to mimic, at least in the way he expressed himself. I had always thought if I was in a band they would probably likely resemble Toad The Wet Sprocket.
Must Hear Tracks: All Things In Time, Whatever I Fear, Dam Would Break
4. The John Lennon Collection - John Lennon (1989) I was only three when Lennon's Double Fantasy came out in 1980, so this greatest hits collection was my first chance to hear, and truly appreciate, the magic that was John Lennon. Lennon spoke of simple things like love and life, which I understood, but then he also spoke of things greater than himself, like world peace. I listened in awe of John Lennon's words, they helped me to better express myself in my own writing. His song, Woman, was the level I reached for whenever I wrote about love.
Must Hear Tracks: Woman, Imagine, #9 Dream, Watching The Wheels
3. Achtung Baby - U2 (1991) As with Guns N Roses, I am sure a lot of you will say that Joshua Tree was the better album. In my opinion this album is the best artistic expression by U2 as it catches them smack dab in the middle of their shift from straight rock to the experimental sound of Pop. This was the first album I heard in which I truly liked every song on it, Bono has become what John Lennon was as far as writing about topics greater than himself. The music of U2, which was the background of a lot of my own lyrics, is at its peak here.
Must Hear Tracks: One, Zoo Station, Mysterious Ways, Love Is Blindness
2. OK Computer - Radiohead (1997) My first reaction upon hearing this masterpiece was simply 'wow.' Radiohead managed to inspire probably between 100-200 of my poems with this album. Each song sends you on a different journey, but each journey is special in its own right. Like U2's Achtiung Baby this album catches Radiohead smack in the middle of a change from rock to electronic. I wish I could hear this again for the first time, it inspired me and blew my mind more than any album besides the one that comes next.
Must Hear Tracks: Subterranean Homesick Alien, Airbag, Paranoid Android, Karma
1. Nevermind - Nirvana (1991) Kurt Cobain is the reason I am a writer in the first place. Each and every song on this album stands alone as an inspiration. Kurt became to me what John Lennon meant to my father, and as with Lennon and the Beatles, Nirvana has influenced all rock music to come after. I will always remember where I was the first time I heard Smells Like Teen Spirit, that song and this album changed my life more than any before or since.
Must Hear Tracks: All of them, but if I have to choose a few: Lounge Act, Come As You Are, Drain You, Smells Like Teen Spirit
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