
Saturday, March 8, 2025

Happy International Women's Day To The Women In My Life Past and Present

I found myself in an interesting situation growing up. Throughout my childhood, I suffered from a serious lack of positive male role models. It was hard for me to figure out what being a good man meant because I didn’t see it very often.

However, as much as I lacked male role models I had, and still have, an overabundance of female role models. In fact, they are the ones who truly made me who I am and continue to shape my life.

When I think of strong female role models I think first of my mother. She went to school full-time to be a nurse. This was while working full-time. Oh, and she did this all while raising 5 children. I could not do 2 of those 3, let alone all 3.

When I think of strong female role models I think of her mother, my grandmother, my Nina. She was the bedrock of her household. She did it all so that my Grampa could run his own business. She also was one of the people who brought women’s fitness to Cape Cod. Ever heard of the Gloria Stevens fitness centers? She was a part of that.

When I think of strong female role models I think of my other grandmother, my Nana. She had to be both mother and father to 4 children after the sudden death of my Grampa Johnny. She had to mend her broken heart and life while making sure her children didn’t fall to pieces.

It doesn’t end there though. I have so many more strong females in my family tree. My sisters Kate and Lindsay have become incredible mothers. My sister Ashley defeated her demons and got sober. She directly influenced my choice to do the same.

I have 2 nieces Kaleigh and Emma who are college graduates and wonderful people I’ve been blessed to watch grow up. I have a young niece Sylvie who lights up my world every moment she’s in it, and she has a mother who works hard basically raising her on her own.

But there’s more. I have so many inspirational female friends. I have friends who have started their own businesses. I have friends who are going to school and working full-time to craft a better life. I have friends who are battling serious illnesses. I have friends who worked hard to better themselves physically and are now helping others do the same.

Most of all though I have friends who are just good people that I am so lucky to have in my life. In a world where being a decent person seems like an exception and not a rule, I have been blessed to have so many positive female presences in my life.

To all of my female family and friends, I wish you a happy International Women’s Day. I hope you know the impact you have had on my life and how much you are appreciated. I would not be who I am without you.

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