1. A shocking event occurred. I was trying to find an old post in my Facebook archives when I noticed a tab for live videos I had shared. To my incredibly happy surprise, a livestream I had done in 2018 on location during a terrible winter storm was there. When recording it my phone’s battery had died. I was unable to find the footage and sadly assumed it had been lost since I didn’t officially ‘end’ my stream. But lo and behold there was the stream from March 4, 2018, in my archives. I swore I had looked high and low through my archives trying to find that stream without success. Obviously, if I knew I had it I’d have shared it sooner than 8 years later. Oh well, here we are. I have my own sort of ‘found footage’ I can share. By the time you read this, it will be all over my social media.
2. Another pleasant surprise was bumping into an old coworker at the grocery store. I recognized his voice before I saw him. He is a very nice guy but can be kind of loud and animated when he speaks. This became apparent when he was explaining how he got called into work on that day. He was at a self-checkout stand and a couple were standing behind me. They were so mesmerized by him that they didn’t notice several other self-checkout registers were open. The man even said he was in total agreement about my old coworker's situation. We all had huge smiles on our faces. Well, except for my old coworker since he had to go to work.
3. I had been dreading getting my car inspected. It’s not that my car is in bad shape, it actually runs really well for being over 150K miles. I just had a sneaking suspicion my front tires might not pass. But you can’t not get your vehicle inspected so I went and boom failed. Now I get to drive around with that lovely red R sticker until I can get the tires replaced and get a follow-up inspection. Yay.
Yes, it looked like this, nice. |
4. The first really nice weather day of the season came with a high hitting 58. I took this opportunity to go for a run/walk after work. Since I am training for a 5K I try to run that distance each time. I was able to find a good stretch of the bike trail to make the 3.1 miles. It did however end in a cemetery. I guess it was appropriate because if my body felt terrible I could just lie down for the ‘big sleep’ next to the rest of the citizens of the cemetery.
5. A big shout out to Doritos for making their chips healthier. I grabbed a mini bag of chips and noticed that the total calories on the bag had gone down from 400 to 390. Wow, good job. Oh, wait, no, they didn’t make them healthier. They’re just giving you less in the bag. Don’t worry though they still cost the same for less. Greedy corporate scumbags.
6. In setting up the appointment to get my tires for my car so it will pass inspection the tire place asked me the exact size of my tires. Obviously I don’t have that info stored in my brain. I went running downstairs while on the phone. I opened the storm door and it smashed into my hand. I had to do all I could not to yell and swear while on the phone and also in the front yard. I saved the swearing for after I got back inside and off the phone.
7. Getting the new tires was of course filled with colorful characters in the waiting room. There was the skinny young guy with a mustache who paced around the waiting room like he was waiting to become a father. There was the middle-aged chunky guy who visited the vending machine 3 times in less than 45 minutes. I mean come on are you that hungry? Oh well, at least I got the tires without issue.
8. It was a lot of driving and waiting. It took 45 minutes to get to the tire shop. I waited an hour for them. It was 45 minutes back home to get the car reinspected. I waited 40 minutes for that. Sure I got everything squared away but when I was off-Cape all I kept thinking of was places to go get some cool photos. Then I would get slapped back to reality when I realized I could do that but with the big red R sticker on my car, I’d be getting a cool sunset shot while being written up by the cops.
This is the place I've gone 3 times now, highly recommended. Used Tire Warehouse Wareham, MA |
9. I was out for a walk on a drizzly foggy morning. I looked way up ahead and saw a car slowly driving toward me. This would normally not be a big deal except for the fact that I was walking on a bike trail. I took out my phone to start filming it and when it got closer I realized it was an unmarked police vehicle. I didn’t want the headache I’d cause if I filmed it and shared it. Still, what the actual hell? Cops are using the bike trail as a cut-through? Or did this guy just not care that he might be endangering people by driving a car on a bike trail? You’d never see a firefighter doing that, just sayin’.
10. Speaking of bike trails. A different day, but the same foggy drizzly weather (yay Cape Cod). I was heading toward the western end of the Cape Cod Rail Trail. It goes through a golf course and then ends at a main road. However, the plan has been for years to continue to rail trail from Yarmouth into the next town Hyannis. Finally I saw the beginnings of the process. There was a long stretch of cleared trees heading off to the side of the trail. It is exciting news. Although to be real I don’t expect the trail to be fully finished for a year. Maybe for Summer 2026? Oh well, I know that I’ll be running on it as soon as the asphalt is dry, and there’s nobody around.
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