I am a 12th generation Cape Codder, my roots are that of the Doane family. Deacon John Doane, one of the founders of the town of Eastham is my paternal 9th-great grandfather. My maternal grandfather ran his own successful business, Sullivan's Donut Shop in Hyannis for two decades. My family is deeply rooted in the history of the Cape, although throughout my childhood I don't think I appreciated where I lived. Looking back now though I realize how specials those times and the days since have been.
I feel that I was born at the absolute best time to appreciate Cape Cod for all that it is and was. I am old enough to remember things ‘the way they used to be’, yet young enough to enjoy the way things are. For those who are dying to know, I was born in 1977. I straddle the line between generations that gives me insight into two worlds. I am of the age where I was able to see and experience a little bit of Olde Cape Cod and watch as my home changed and adapted with the times.
I feel that I was born at the absolute best time to appreciate Cape Cod for all that it is and was. I am old enough to remember things ‘the way they used to be’, yet young enough to enjoy the way things are. For those who are dying to know, I was born in 1977. I straddle the line between generations that gives me insight into two worlds. I am of the age where I was able to see and experience a little bit of Olde Cape Cod and watch as my home changed and adapted with the times.
During my childhood landline telephones and phone booths were common. I remember waiting for friends to call, and actually having to remember people’s phone numbers. Yet as an adult I love the convenience and technology of smartphones. I do not believe I could recite anybody’s phone number today. However I could still rattle off my old home phone number, my Nana’s number, and a few friends from middle school as well.
Throughout my childhood I would be tossed outside by my mother during summer to go off and play with my friends, only coming home when it was almost dark. I do not believe we ever feared being abducted, though I am sure the bad people were not something invented in the last twenty years. The Cape seemed more innocent though I am sure that it was not.
I was born at a time when vinyl albums were mainstays. I had a collection as a seven-year old that might shock people today with artists like Ratt, Twisted Sister, Quiet Riot, Van Halen, and Motley Crue lining my shelves. Of course I had the first pressing of Michael Jackson’s Thriller as well and used to play it loudly out of my window on my Fisher-Price record player so all of the neighborhood kids could dance in the yard. I had young hip parents which influenced my style growing up. However as much as I loved making cassette mixtapes off of stations like Cape 104 and 96.3 The Rose I can honestly say I prefer MP3’s and iTunes to Maxell and Memorex.
I am old enough to remember walking, or driving, to the video store to rent VHS tapes. Yet I am young enough to fully enjoy Netflix and Hulu and the instant gratification they provide. Sure I played Atari 2600 and the original Nintendo but they were bit parts of my childhood. Admittedly I did spend a good amount of time at the arcade but Rampage wasn’t going to beat itself! It was a time when walking seemed more common, like after family meals on holidays. There was always a place to walk as a family.
I am old enough to have seen the first two schools I attended close. I went to South Yarmouth Elementary School on Route 28 with Laurence MacArthur as my principal. The school would eventually bear his name before being closed in 2013 and reopening as a campus for Bridgewater State University in 2015. I then attended John Simpkins Elementary located on the same plot of land. It served as the town’s first high school before Dennis-Yarmouth opened in 1957 and housed Grades 3-5 after. It closed in 2006 and was transformed into the Simpkins School Residences, senior housing, opening in 2014.
I am old enough to remember the Cape Cod Mall in the days before it expanded. In those days it was anchored by Woolworth, Filene’s, and Jordan Marsh and had a separate cinema on the property. I remember spending Friday evenings searching Record Town and Tape World for my next musical interest. However I am also young enough to enjoy the convenience of what the expanded Mall has brought with so many stores under one roof.
I am old enough to remember Cape Cod icons such as Thompson’s Clam Bar, Mildred’s Chowder House, Joe Mac’s, and Mill Hill Club. There were fewer Shaw’s and Stop & Shop’s and more Angelo’s, Purity Supreme, and A&P’s. I frequented Bassett’s Wild Animal Farm in Brewster and visited the legendary Cape Cod Coliseum, although it was to see Sesame Street On Ice.
I am old enough to remember the grounding of the 473-foot freighter Eldia at Nauset Beach in March 1984 and not believing how big it was. I saw the breach of North Beach in Chatham in January 1987 and am amazed at seeing it healing itself. In 1991 Hurricane Bob in August and the ‘Perfect Storm’ of October made me appreciate the wonders of electricity after losing power for many days.
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The Eldia aground on Nauset Beach in March 1984 |
My childhood was a time when drive-in theaters were still the norm. At their peak there were nearly 4,000 drive-in theaters in the United States, as of 2017 that number has dwindled to 338. The Wellfleet Drive-In is all that remains of their legacy on Cape Cod. However I have fond memories of being elementary school aged and visiting the Yarmouth Drive-In across from Captain Parker’s Pub. I was lucky enough to see movies like E.T., Return of the Jedi, and Flash Gordon in the warm summer air. Other drive-in theaters in Dennis, Hyannis, and Falmouth once dotted the Cape decades ago as well.
I remember there being more salamanders and fewer turkeys and coyotes. I was warned about jellyfish stings when stepping into the ocean, Great White sharks not so much. I remember the noon whistle in Yarmouth scaring me on numerous occasions. I remember more Friendly’s and fewer Dunkin’ Donuts, Bradlees instead of Walmart. Cape Cod seemed much larger then. A family trip to Edaville Railroad in Carver felt like a drive across the country. Today Chatham, Provincetown, and Falmouth feel an arm’s length away.
Amazingly for all of the changes I have seen in my time there are some things which remain the same. The scent of Cape Cod Potato Chips cooking as you pass along the Mid-Cape Highway between Exits 6 and 7. 106 WCOD on the radio. Delicious ice cream during the summer from places like Four Seas, Lil’ Caboose, and Ice Cream Smuggler. Kids and families sledding on the golf courses during winter. The Barnstable County Fair in July, the Cranberry Festival in Harwich in September, the Yarmouth Seaside Festival in October.
Then there is the natural beauty of Cape Cod. It is everywhere. The National Seashore is as close as one can get to how the Cape must have looked when it was first discovered. Summer drives along the shore routes in Eastham up through Provincetown are heavenly. Route 6A is a blast to the past with its historic homes and tree shaded scenery, just like I remember as a child.
Yes I feel I was born as the absolute perfect time when it comes to the history of Cape Cod. I have watched the Cape change in some ways and stay the same in others. This is only my story though, what things do you remember about Cape Cod as children? What changes have you enjoyed? What changes have you not liked? Thanks for reading.
Hi Chris— I was born in 1953 in Cape Cod Hospital, of course. Love all your books. I have to say I remember the Cape Cod Coliseum, but because I worked the rock concerts there. I remember things like when Main Street became two way after Labor Day and before the Mall there was Storyland. My mother used to tell me how she used to pick blueberries in the same place as a kid (born 1908).
Just wanted to say hello. Keep up the good work!
Hi Gail! I was born in 1977, I wish I had the chance to see Storyland, there is actually a short video on YouTube of it that I just found a few weeks ago, it's really neat. My father's side of the family is the one that have the long lineage on the Cape, my mother's side is from Brockton. I'm so glad you've enjoyed my books, I love doing these types of articles, I used to do them for Cape Cod.com but am trying to build my own brand for 2020.
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