
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

In My Footsteps Podcast Episode 166: Infamous New England Asylums, 1977 Halloween Safety Film, Horror Movies Made Into Video Games, Winnie the Pooh(10-16-2024)


What were some of the most infamous New England mental asylums? What was Halloween safety like in 1977? What about horror movies made into video games?
Scares come in all shapes and sizes on Episode 166 of the podcast.
Spooky Season doesn't get more terrifying than the reality of mental hospitals in the 19th and 20th centuries. We look at a handful of the most notorious asylums from New England. Some of these are long gone, some have decaying remains you can visit.
Trick or Treating in the 2020s is far different than it was in the 1970s. This becomes apparent as we go way Back In the Day and review a Halloween safety short film from 1977. What surprised you most about this film?
Just because a horror movie is a classic does not necessarily mean it will translate well to the video game realm. This new Top 5 looks at some scary bad, and a few scary good, video games developed from classic horror movies.
The new This Week In History and Time Capsule are far less spooky as we look back at the publication of the children's book classic Winnie the Pooh.
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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Initial Impressions 2.0 Blog: #38 - Vanilla Ice, Cricket Whisperer, Northern Lights, etc.

1. It’s the time of year when people start pulling their boats out of the water. This past week one guy was pulling his 30-foot boat out at a ramp at a local beach. It was a weird dichotomy as it was definitely a cool boat, but he decided to blast Ice Ice Baby while hooking it up. I think within a few months of that song coming out in August 1990 I was embarrassed to play it and I was 13. Granted I didn’t see the guy super up close so maybe he was Vanilla Ice. That would be the only person on Earth I could see proudly blasting that song in 2024.

2. This week marked 15 years since my infamous Caught In A Rising Tide video. It was one of my first YouTube videos and was a funny experience of me walking out to Wing Island in Brewster to get some photos only to return an hour later with the tide coming in. I ended up walking through nearly 2’ of water, soaking my shoes and pants. People asked why I didn’t take my shoes/socks off and I figured I’d end up with splinters from the boards I was walking on which would lead to infections and then maybe losing a foot. Soaked shoes made more sense. I went back to Wing Island and shot a sequel video. No, I wasn’t stuck in a rising tide but it was a fun and fitting follow-up video.

3. I decided to treat myself to a pizza from Domino’s. Now I know that some people don’t like Domino’s but they do have over 20,000 locations worldwide so they’re doing something right. Anyway, I ordered a 3 topping medium pizza from them and went to pick it up. They were super busy inside so what happened next was understandable. They handed me my pizza and I immediately noticed it was a large. I checked the receipt and it said medium so I got an upgrade for free. It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows though. In addition to the pizza being a large, it had additional toppings including mushrooms which I am not a fan of. I will say that picking mushrooms off a pizza was a fair trade for getting a free upgrade to a large.

4. I am approaching 47 years old and yet every year I am still amazed at how quickly the sunset times roll back in the fall. It’s like one minute you blink and the sunset is 8pm and then you blink again and you’re walking out of work at 6pm at dusk with an owl in the trees near you scaring all of the little creatures below. The way I found out it was an owl was not that I saw it, I didn’t stick around. No, my co-worker saw it do some swooping over the parking lot in search of dinner.

5. I was pretty zoned out at work trying to get caught up on some paperwork. I was so focused on my computer screen that I didn’t notice the encroaching intruder. A small spider was slowly descending from the ceiling on its web. I was so into my work that I didn’t see it until it was quite literally an inch from my face right between my eyes. Only then did I let out a yell in surprise. Don’t worry though the spider was not smashed. I grabbed its web up above and coasted it to the floor behind my desk.

6. In other insect news we have had a stowaway cricket inside my work for weeks. Sometimes it’s quiet, other times it chirps so loudly that it seems to echo off of the walls. Today its chirping was loud enough that I actually tracked it down. I grabbed a paper cup and a tissue and went to work trying to coax it into the cup. To my surprise, after I asked it nicely to get in, and promised I wasn’t going to just crush it, the cricket crawled into the cup. Then he got smashed. Just kidding, I brought it outside and let it go in the grass.

Am I the cricket whisperer? 

7. There are 2 days each week when I have to be at work early, typically around 6:40am. My body is now used to waking up around 4:45am. However, getting to bed the night before is still a harrowing task. The routine I have now that is working relatively well consists of popping 2 melatonin at 7:30pm followed by a 3rd at 8:30. This usually results in me being knocked out by 9pm. It was easier in the summer to wake up so early. Now with sunrise being close to 7am when my eyes open at 4:45, it’s easy for my brain to try to trick me into thinking it can’t be time to wake up yet. Each time I get up on time is still a minor miracle.

8. Nothing better than being awakened from a deep sleep at 3:30am by thunder so loud that I could feel it shaking the house. I spent a half hour trying to go back to sleep for a little longer but the thunder and lightning were so severe I just gave up and got out of bed at 4:30. Despite being tired I would much rather deal with a few severe thunderstorms than the once a century Hurricane Milton that is wrecking Central Florida.

9. A fun memory that popped up on Facebook this week dates back to 2016. My sister Ashley and I were at Longnook Beach in Truro, MA which is very remote with little to no cell service. We spotted a middle-aged man with a bicycle walking up the 50-60’ sand pathway to the parking lot. Out of nowhere one of his bike tires popped. The weather was a bit misty and feeling bad we offered to pack him and the bike in my car and drive him home. Luckily he wasn’t far but it was another remote section of little Truro. Then things got weirder. We helped him get his bike inside his house and he offered us tea. We politely declined as it was a little odd. He was insistent on giving us something as a thank you. This ended up being in the form of a random CD. It looked like a mix of tracks by some unknown artist. Maybe it was him, but who knows since once we got back in the car I was already looking for a trash can to throw it in.

Longnook Beach in Truro, MA

10. A first for me happened this week as I got to see and photograph the Aurora Borealis, aka the Northern Lights. They are rarely visible this far south, typically being seen in Canada or maybe at best Northern New England. I took the long way home from my mother’s house and stopped at Gray’s Beach, aka Bass Hole, in Yarmouth Port. It was not even 7:30pm and I could see the pinks and greens in the sky. It was beyond words. I was mad that I didn’t have my regular camera, or my tripod for my phone, but still what I got ended up being some of my best photos ever. The atmosphere was like a rock concert. A chilly Thursday night at the beach on Cape Cod and there must have been 200 people there. The parking lot was overflowing. It was an experience I won’t soon forget.

Aurora Borealis at Bass Hole in Yarmouth Port, MA

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

In My Footsteps Podcast Episode 165: My Pet Bat, Serial Killer Hadden Clark, 1990s Horror Movies, Black Sox Scandal(10-9-2024)


A pet bat? A look into the mind of a convicted serial killer? Some of the best horror movies of the 1990s?
Episode 165 of the podcast is scary good.
It kicks off with a terrifying look into the mind of a serial killerHadden Clark is a name longtime listeners might be familiar with due to his connection to the Lady of the Dunes documentary. However, he is in his own right a twisted individual. We take a look at his own life story, with part of it being in his own words.
Things get much lighter as we go way Back In the Day and go over the brief time my family had a bat as a pet. How did Brownie arrive? How did Brownie leave our family? It's all in here.
This week's Top 5 is a solution to the question of what 1990s horror movies you should watch during Spooky Season. We look at some of the best the decade had to offer. How many of these have you seen?
There is as always a brand new This Week In History and Time Capsule centered around the infamous Black Sox baseball scandal.
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Listen to Episode 164 here 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Initial Impressions 2.0 Blog: #37 - Hidden Moth, Grocery Store Fight, Podcast Ads, etc.

1. I don’t know what’s worse. Swatting a giant moth in your house, splattering it everywhere, and then having to clean it up? Or swatting a giant moth and thinking you’ve killed it without knowing where it went? Then it’s like a double surprise when you find a giant dead moth in your shoe or somewhere else a week later. That is the hell I am currently dealing with. UPDATE: I found it the day I published this blog in the corner of a window sill, it has since been flushed.

2. While walking to my car after leaving a store a woman heading in and said something out loud to me. I thought she said ‘you look like the coolest guy ever.’ Surprised I stopped and politely asked her to repeat that. She said ‘it looks like the coolest sky ever’ about the clouds. We talked for a moment and then she left. Thankfully I didn’t say something foolish like ‘yes I am the coolest guy ever.’

3. It never dawned on me just how many people have likely never been up close to a lighthouse. When visiting Nobska in Falmouth I watched as every other person who visited while I was there went over to the entrance to the light and tried to open it, as if lighthouses are left unlocked. Every, single, one. By the end, it was pretty funny.

4. A trip to the supermarket was insane from the jump. I hadn’t even made it all the way inside when a screaming match was all around me. From what I gathered a very large man had grabbed a container of danish and was eating them in the bakery section near the front entrance. A female customer saw this and called him out saying he needed to pay for his items before eating them, and that he appeared to be trying to leave first. The man screamed at her that he had diabetes and was going to pass out if he didn’t eat them. An employee came over to diffuse the situation. He thanked the woman who left and got the man a motorized cart to ride instead of pushing a regular cart. The rest of my time in the store was very mundane because it easily peaked with that craziness before I’d even made it all the way inside.

It might be AI but this is not far off from what happened.

5. A friend went this week on a fishing trip out around Minot’s Ledge Light off of South Shore Massachusetts. We’re both huge lighthouse fans and this was a photo trip that squared us as I had been lucky enough to visit Point Gammon Light on the highly secure Great Island on Cape Cod. To make up for the jealousy I felt over his awesome adventure I took my camera and headed out. I ended up in Falmouth at the Knob and also Nobska Lighthouse. In true ‘dedication to the craft’ fashion I managed to stand on railings that were so unsteady that if my weight had shifted a little I’d have gone down and broken something. In the end, the great photos, and risking life and limb for them, didn’t soothe my jealousy over my friend visiting Minot.

Risking life and limb for a good photo

6. As the sun starts to rise later in the morning I find myself driving in the dark to work a few times a week. That means more of a chance of running into wildlife. It’s typically rabbits, squirrels, maybe a coyote, and sometimes deer. Today it was a deer. In a fun moment, I spotted a young male deer on the right side of the road. He had some nice antlers. My thought was do I stop to try to get a photo. Then as he stared me down as I approached I feared he might dive in front of my car, or charge it, so I left him with no photos and the deer staring me down.

7. After nearly 4 years I’ve finally crossed the threshold where I can have paid advertisements on my podcast. Now, just because I can doesn’t mean I’ll immediately accept any ad that comes my way. In fact, I’ve already turned one down. It was a Bible and Constitution podcast. I figured that content doesn’t jive with my fun Gen-X nostalgia podcast. Am I wrong?

8. The perfect combination of fun and also feeling old is waking up the next morning after running and playing with my 5-year-old niece at my mother's the previous afternoon. The running was fine, it was more the carrying her on my shoulders for 20+ straight minutes while she controlled me like Ratatouille. But neck soreness aside those types of moments mean more than anything, especially knowing that someday I won’t be able to carry her around like that. That just means that maybe when I’m old she’ll push my wheelchair around, or use me as a bowling ball to knock things over. Who knows?

9. I am a creature of habit. I know this. However, I think it goes far deeper into my subconscious. This manifests a lot in the places I go to take photos. In a scenario that happens far too often, I choose a place, seemingly at random, to go get some photos. Then the next day in my social media memories photos of that same place from years past pop up. It just happened again this week with a sunset shoot at Stage Harbor Light in Chatham.

Stage Harbor Light in Chatham

10. Speaking of that sunset shoot at Stage Harbor. It was far more impactful than I could have thought. I walked the mile over soft sand out to what is a ‘headless’ lighthouse, meaning it has no lantern. With my trusty selfie stick in tow, I got some great photos. The impactful part comes two-fold. One, I had not been out to that lighthouse since July 2020, two months before I quit drinking. Two, on the way back in the twilight I walked slower until I finally stopped. I sat up in the dunes and played some Hawaiian music on Pandora, enjoying the scenery and thinking of my Uncle Eric who passed in January 2023. The 2nd song that was played was a song titled Pele Kane by a band named Maunalua. It is a song that reminds me of him as he used to play it a lot at family gatherings. It was more emotional than I expected as it felt like he was letting me know he was there in the dunes with me at that point.

Pele Kane - Maunalua