#6: Old Houses
1. I live not far from where my Nina and Grampa lived for 20 years when I was growing up. I occasionally make the street part of my running route so I can see the house's exterior to bring back fond memories. This week I saw that it is in the process of being sold. It is far too expensive for me to do anything (as all houses on Cape Cod are), but I took solace in the fact that I could go onto Zillow.com and look at dozens of photos inside the house. It looked different than when I last stepped inside in 1993 but still familiar. The current owners did right by Nina and Grampa.
2. Despite living by the ocean pretty much all of my life, and despite having taken hundreds of sunset photos along the waterline at the beach, I somehow still can misjudge how far I am from the water when taking the photos. I went to take a photo of an amazing sunset this week at a beach in Harwich and to my dismay I was too close to the water and I ended up with water above my ankles and soaked shoes. Great photo though.
The water soaking my shoes as I got the photo. |
3. I fell down a rabbit hole of looking at old covers of the ‘classic’ Weekly World News faux newspaper. If you don’t remember it from the 1980s and 1990s it featured things like Elvis and JFK being alive, interviews with aliens, bigfoot encounters, and of course the legendary Bat Boy. If you need laughs just Google it and thank me later.
4. It’s amazing how certain places remind you of certain people. Good memories are powerful. Thus I enjoy visiting such places, especially one specific beach that was the backdrop of several wonderful moments with a person that redefined my life. I might never get the chance to tell her that, but I know how important she was and that might have to be good enough.
Good memories aplenty here, always. |
5. In Stop & Shop a pair of 20-something guys not so secretly asked some heavy guy in his 50s if he had any Adderall to sell them. Obviously loud enough that I could hear it walking by. Seriously, parents and kids shopping around them, they don’t care, they need their drugs. Three absolute losers, I could only shake my head.
6. I pulled up to a bank to use the ATM, a few seconds after a man in a truck pulled up closer to the bank and got the door before me. He was nice and offered to let me go ahead. I had several transactions to make and could have been a jerk and let him wait several minutes but I let him go ahead. It was a good week so I didn’t want to risk any bad karma.
7. Walking around the frozen section of the grocery store there was a funky song playing. I could hear someone in the next aisle whistling loudly to it. When I got over there I still heard the whistling but couldn’t tell who it was coming from. A guy working there seemed to be the source but his mouth wasn’t moving or looking like he was whistling. So of course I had to get right up next to him to find out because I guess it was that important. Yes, it was him and he smiled and nodded. Finally, I could go about my day with this important question answered.
8. I think I have crossed over into one of those people who love dollar stores. I went into a local Dollar Tree looking for one thing for a costume party I was going to. I found that quick but then spent 10 minutes wandering the aisles and leaving with an armload of things and only spending $10.
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I might be this person now. |
9. Can we just get rid of Daylight Savings Time already? Losing an hour of sleep in a snap is not something I enjoy especially when sleep is one of my favorite things. Maybe if we do Work Savings Time where we lose an hour of work? While still getting paid for that hour of course.
10. Sure anybody can decorate their house/yard for Halloween or Christmas, but I have to tip my hat to those who go all out for other holidays like St. Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and Easter. That’s true dedication to celebration.
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Dedication to celebration(AI Image) |
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