#8: Younger Self
1. I have been recently wondering if it was possible to go back in time 30 years and talk to my 16-year-old self how that would go. If I told myself what I had done, what I had been through, and what I had accomplished thus far in life would my younger self tell me he was proud of me? Or would he ask me what the hell happened to me? I wish time travel was real because I honestly don’t know what the answer would be.
2. I bought a small pumpkin for Halloween in the second week of October. Here we are nearing the end of March and it is still going strong. I’m torn between getting rid of it soon, or waiting it out and seeing just how long this pumpkin will last. At least it’ll pass Easter no problem.
The pumpkin in its younger days in October 2023. |
3. It wouldn’t be Cape Cod if the weather didn’t immediately get colder and more rainy as soon as the calendar said it was spring. Sure we could have blooming flowers but here, have cold drizzle and fog, that’s way better.
4. It will always be funny to me the amount of people who go through self-checkout in any store and get super irritated at the machine when they do something wrong. I want to suggest they go to a register with an actual human since self-checkout is obviously too much for them, but then I’d miss them swearing and slamming items down.
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The anger is real. |
5. If a dog owner picks up their dog’s crap and puts it in a bag but then leaves the bag on the ground have they really cleaned it up? By that logic, I should be able to leave bags of trash everywhere as long as the trash is in the bag.
6. Parts of the bike trails on Cape Cod now have 15mph speed limit signs. Yes, speed limit signs on a bike trail. Yes, I get it, kids and families use the trails and shouldn’t have to worry about people whizzing by super fast. But, if someone is ‘speeding’ on the bike trail what exactly happens to them? Are there bike trail police that will pull you over? I haven’t seen any yet if there are.
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The chase is on. |
7. A common phrase I find myself saying over the last few years is ‘I can’t believe (blank) was (how ever many) years ago.’ It must be the mid-life crisis talking. I wonder if someday I’ll say I can’t believe how long ago I wrote this blog.
8. I saw one of the absolute worst people ever at Market Basket. This old angry jerk yelled at a woman for going down the ‘wrong side’ of the aisle, then proceeded to call her a ‘woman driver.’ Then in the next aisle over he yelled at a man for ‘blocking the aisle’ as he was in the process of shopping. This scumbag was with a woman too who just let him harass everyone he encountered. I hope someone punches his lights out.
9. In my teens I’d pour a pile of M&M’s into my hand to get a sugar rush. In my mid-40s I pour a pile of vitamins & supplements into my hand just so that I can feel halfway decent. It’s more funny than anything because even though I think I am in much better shape than the vast majority of people my age I still need my multi, glucosamine, fish oil, probiotics, vitamin C, etc.
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Sad but true |
10. Getting old really sneaks up on you. One day you’re going off crazy jumps on your BMX bike, the next day you’re buying socks and a new broom and being very happy at that fact. Boy, life comes at you fast.
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