
Monday, June 24, 2024

Initial Impressions Blog 2.0: #22 - Lock the Door, Hooters, Parking Lot Geniuses, etc.


1. One of my favorite running routes takes me through a quiet and quaint neighborhood. It eventually abuts a golf course at a cul-de-sac. I like this spot because within 50 feet of the road are a pair of porta potties behind a fence on the golf course. So I use one pretty much every time I go by there. In years of doing this I could honestly count on one hand with fingers left the number of people I’ve seen using one of those porta potties. I walked around the fence and one was locked, the other was not. Of course, the one not locked had someone inside as I flung the door open. Luckily his back was to me. We both kind of laughed and he was cool since he admitted he didn’t lock the door. It was like on The Office when Jim walked in on the preschool teacher in the bathroom because he didn’t lock the door.

2. It’s amazing to see how different weather forecasts can be between 2 websites. Same place, different app, and the temperatures are routinely 6-7 degrees off for the highs. In the winter that big of a discrepancy can mean the difference between snow and rain. It’s the same with precipitation. How much, when it starts, when it ends, or even if there will be any at all. I end up picking whichever seems best and then cheering or booing that site depending on the accuracy.

3. The first heat wave of the season hit the northeast this week. The mid-80s on Cape Cod. Granted on the Cape it’s a good 10 degrees cooler than in Boston but it does take the energy right out of you. All I wanted to do was sit in front of several fans. Oh, I have A/C but I stubbornly try to hold off as long as I can to put it in and then try to take it out as quickly as I can.

4. I am at the point in my life where if I don’t feel a connection with a person I move on. I’m not saying within a few minutes, but after a certain amount of time, you know if you click, or if you’re wasting your and their time. I find it’s better to move on early than drag it out and lead someone on in the hopes of forcing a connection over time. But that’s just me.

5. Note To Self: When microwaving something if the cooking time you are choosing is 3 identical numbers, IE: 5:55, make sure that you press the buttons 3 times because you could end up pressing it 4 times and leaving something in the microwave for far too long. Yes, note to self, that never could have actually happened to me.


6. One thing I had forgotten that has come back in full force as I’ve started running more is how many vehicles don’t care about runners or cyclists on the road. Some give room as they pass, others don’t move at all. I have had times that if I reached my arm out a passing vehicle would have torn it off. We’re not saying swerve into the other lane into oncoming traffic, but at least make an effort to not kill us as you pass, thanks.

7. I was in a supermarket in the town where I live when a couple walked in. The woman was in a full-on Hooters outfit. Now this is all well and good, I mean I didn’t mind taking a peek. But here’s the thing, the nearest Hooters to where I live is 75 miles away. Maybe they decided to come visit Cape Cod right after she got out of work and she didn’t bother to change out of her work clothes? Halloween is not for 4 months but maybe they were going to a random costume party in late June? Or maybe she just craves attention and decided to wear that outfit inside a supermarket filled with elderly people and children. Your guess is as good as mine.

8. The vast, vast majority of people know how to navigate around a parking lot. It’s not hard, you just need common sense. That being said there are the select few who put their blinker on at the end of a row of spaces like it’s the end of a street. Even worse are those who just drive straight through all of the spaces like they’re not there. I’m sure it’s like a bell curve, tons of normal people in the middle, and those 2 sets of idiots on either end.

9. While running at the local high school track I spotted 2 women walking over. 1 walked onto the track and just stood there, the other was nowhere to be found. It was a little suspicious. I finished running and retreated to a sort of pavilion at the top of the bleachers. The 1 woman was still standing in the same place. Now it was getting weird. That was until I saw the other woman. She had a pair of rollerblades and couldn’t get them on. The other woman helped and then proceeded to lead her around the track helping her skate. I didn’t ask but it seemed like the woman with the roller blades was special needs and the other woman was a friend or relative. It made the whole situation very sweet and I stood and watched for a few minutes before heading home.

10. Speaking of that run I did. It’s that point in the summer when I have to make a choice between sunscreen and bug spray for runs. Well, except for this time. I sprayed sunscreen on my head and bug spray on my arms and legs. Seems pretty straightforward right? That was until I was sweating a lot running and like a fool used my arm to wipe my face and eyes. Yup, bug spray in the eyes. Luckily at that point, nobody else was on the track so when I yelled I only scared the birds. 

Choose wisely

11. It was incredible to get to watch the Boston Celtics win their 18th championship, the most in NBA history. I’ve been lucky enough to see so many titles in various sports living in New England. I won’t take it for granted though. I lived through the Patriots being a joke. I lived through part of the Red Sox Curse of the Bambino. I also lived through the ML Carr years of the Celtics, although he did come and speak at my middle school so it wasn’t all bad. Congratulations to Jaylen Brown, Jason Tatum, Al Horford, Kristaps Porzingis, and Jrue Holliday who was the catalyst for this year’s team. Go Green!

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